▲ Park Eun-jung(Humanities, 1)
As a freshman, participating in one of the biggest school events, Daedongje, is very exciting job since taking part in the festival is a huge privilege for university students. Despite the rumor that Ewha’s Daedongje is dull and lacks school spirit, I was very excited to enjoy Daedongje at Ewha.
The festival was full of exhilaration at first time: selling snacks on club booths, participation of school janitors. However, I felt that our Daedongje is lacking in integrating whole Ewhaians into one. The word itself, Daedongje means “to unify as a whole.” When Daedongje period comes, other universities are busy with planning out events or performances that show school’s unity; all students gather around in a stadium or a field and sing cheering songs and support their cheering squad. Throughout those events, students can share unity and take a pride of being a student of that particular university. Ewha is well-known for individualism. Students at Ewha often feel lonely and think as if they don’t belong to Ewha. Daedongje is a good chance to arouse those students with pride and school spirit. Like other universities’ Daedongje, ours also ought to make programs which all Ewhaians can enjoy and cheer Ewha.
Some people might say it is not a problem of lacking programs but a problem of students’ participation. Some part is true, but people around me said those programs are not well informed. Only advertisement of Daedongje I had seen was some banners around the campus. Posters were glued on some bathrooms but for most of buildings, posters were not sticked on bulletin board that all people can notice. Before I heard from some students that there would have been pizza party and club performance, I would not have any idea when and where the events are held. For the next Daedongje, the committee should keep in mind that advertisement is so much important as planning various events. It would be favorable if the committee makes a list of events and performances that tells time and venue.
Ewha’s Daedongje should not only be a festival for Ewhaians but also for people from outside. There is a Korean traditional saying, “as more people are invited in one’s party, there are more happiness and joy at the party.” Like the saying, our Daedongje would be more enjoyable if there are some programs that non-Ewhians can participate. Of course, students have to invite many friends to come our Daedongje.
Festival is always full of excitement and joy. Especially for Daedongje, this festival would not survive long if students do not participate. Daedongje of the Ewha students will not perish from Ewha unless students at Ewha fully support it.

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