"Are you Hungry" sold healthy quesadillas for lunch in the Ewha-Posco Building as an effort to support the solution of world poverty problems. Photo provided by Are you Hungry.
Current efforts and future developments for Share Leadership

Reflecting students’ needs and minor issues, there have been several changes in Share Leadership this year compared to last year. The exams will contain more narrative questions, and the frequency distributions and exam formats will differ according to professors. The content of the course has been revised reflecting students’ opinions, and there are more efforts to enforce seminar classes. In addition, the number of students for one class decreased from 100 to 92, reducing the number of groups from 13 to 12 to offer better efficiency in class. The efforts to improve the course persist.

“As Share Leadership requires close communication between students and the professor to share various thoughts and ideas, the current class size should be downsized,” professor Yang said. “We also think that there is a need for the absolute evaluation method in grading system. Many professors from various majors are continuously participating in discussions to further develop the course. Students who understand the learning objective of Share Leadership are actively sending in ideas as well.”

The professors who created the course consistently ponder and care about the course Share Leadership.

“I would like to add that the first-year students who took the Share Leadership course last year had very good class attitudes,” professor Kim said. “I hope this class becomes an opportunity for students to look back on themselves earnestly and become more mature.”

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