Above is the library of Karlstad University with four floors. Photo provided by Huong Le.
The town Karlstad and the university share the same symbol which is the sun. One might think that it has to do with the actual hours of sunlight that the town gets during the year, which is quite a lot during the summer compared to other Sweden cities, but it actually has a different explanation. The university’s sun provides light and represents life, warmth and energy. It is associated with enlightenment and growth. While the town symbol is the smiling sun, there is a meaning to why the sun is smiling, but you have to come here to experience it yourself.
Karlstad University is one of Sweden’s youngest universities. For this fall semester, there were almost 12,000 newly admitted Swedish students and probably around 250 exchange and visiting students. It is one of the youngest universities so the school is equipped with  modern facilities and an inspiring workplace. Also, it is located close to the middle of the country which makes it very accessible from all over Sweden. So, traveling during your exchange student period would be very convenient.
Moreover, Karlstad is a really beautiful city to live in. It is located next to Sweden’s largest lake, Vanern. One of the biggest rivers in Sweden runs through the town, which makes it easy to find a nice spot on a sunny day for a picnic and  enjoy the beautiful nature. If you do not like lakes or rivers, you still have an easy access to forests since Karlstad and the county Varmland, are surrounded by them.
 Furthermore, the Swedish students and exchange students have two weeks of orientation where the school and the International Office have organized several activities for all new students that arrive to Karlstad University. Some of the activities are welcoming dinner, big welcoming party with the Swedish students, campus tour, tour of Karlstad, and field trips. All of them make your arrival and stay in Karlstad and Sweden as good and smooth as possible.
The Internatinal Office also offers a kind of PEACE Buddy system that can be found here in Ewha. You will get in contact with at least one person before your arrival, and that person will meet you when you arrive at school or the dormitory. So basically, if you enjoy nature, fresh air, and some cold weathers, you will find Sweden as an exciting country to visit, and do not hesitate to apply for an exchange student. Moreover, the best part is that almost everyone in Sweden knows English, so it does not matter whether you can speak our language or not.

* Huong Le is currently studying at Ewha as an exchange student.

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