Religious conflicts have always been the primary source of all wars marked in the history of mankind. It would be no exaggeration to say that more than 50 percent of all wars are the product, or by-product, of the dissentions between different religions. Though the cause of this war between Iraq and the coalition headed by the U.S. and the Great Britain can be analyzed and explained from many different points of view, religion certainly remains as one of the key factors contributing to this exorbitant tragedy.
This war - not surprisingly - can be described as a war between Islamic and Judeo-Christian worlds. As many people already know, the majority of the powerful capitalists financing the American President George Bush"s political funds are Jews. The conflicts between the Muslims and the Jews date back to the first Crusades in the 11th century, and have been ongoing ever since then. Thus, a long and deep valley of bloody hatred lying between the two groups are hard to be mended.
Samuel Huntington divided the world into nine categories in his noted book, "Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order." His classifications are: Western, Latin American, African, Islamic, Sinic, Hindu, Orthodox, Japanese, and Buddhist civilizations. Instead of geographical grouping that once dominated the world, now the world is grouped by ideological or religious sect. For most part of the history, the Western world has been holding hegemony over the rest of the world. According to Huntington, Sinic and Islamic are the most powerful potential challengers against the Western world, and to maintain its hegemony, it is inevitable for the Western world to find a way to somehow put down the seeds of danger sprouting in China and the Middle East. The reason why the U.S. is putting pressure on powerless North Korea is because the U.S. can not find any just and logical reason to check China.
Another interesting factor that might have affected the breakout of this war is the fact that George Bush is a born-again Christian,. He is known to have undergone a conversion experience by a leading spokesman of the Christian fundamentalism, Bill Graham, a year before he was elected as the president. These born-again Christians tend to stick to the line of fundamentalism, which is known for its rigid adherence to the fundamental principles of the Scripture, intolerance of other views, and oppisition to secularism. And often, they like to put a sharply dualistic distinction between the good and the evil. Bush"s infamous "axis of evil" statement can be viewed as one of many examples that reflect his religious beliefs. Bush"s inability to withstand those against the fundamentalist perpectives should not be overlooked to comprehensively understand the cause of the war.
All ordinary human beings are slaves of endless desires and greed that can never be fulfilled. Greed is one of the original sins that humans are born with and have to carry on throughout their lives. After all, this war revolves around the desires to become rich and to dominate others, as it is obivious that petroleum ad imperialism are what the U.S. and the rest of the coalition are aiming at. In this sense, a war can be seen as a manifestation of the ultimate human limitations. in addition, the narrative of antipathy that Islam and Judeo-Christianity have for each other is so complicated and extensive that it will not be possible to obliterate "war" from the vocabulary list in the future to come.
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